Manifest Anything With 3 Steps
Over the years, I’ve been drawn to different manifestation guidelines and frameworks and wanted to share my own manifestation framework with you. Check it out below to create your dream life!
Step 1: Choice
When it comes down to it, manifestation is thinking about possibilities we’d like to bring forth into our reality and making it all possible through our commitment to making conscious choices that align ourselves to making that manifestation achievable. To do so, we first must make a choice and stand firm in that choice to mindfully nurture its potential of coming true.
For instance, if someone is choosing to seek a partner for marriage, that individual cannot be wishy-washy and want to marry every person they go on a date with. Ideally, if a person wants a husband, they are looking for a committed partnership so their actions in life need to reflect that to attract it more effortlessly into their life.
Step 2: Personal Power
Secondly, whenever you want to manifest something, using your personal power can be tremendously helpful in bringing you closer to making your manifestations a reality. This technique involves harnessing the idea that you alone are the one who leads and guides the Universe and in return, the Universe follows your cues (not the other way around).
At first, it may be difficult for some people to grasp this idea, (trust me, I personally struggled with it too) but once I fully embraced my own power, I decided to leave behind everything that was not in alignment with what I wanted to manifest. If you’re truly committed to manifesting your reality, this is how you must operate. On the other hand, if you don’t know what you want and try manifesting with uncertainty, doubt, and fear, the less probable your manifestation will be. You need to fully believe that you are the one who creates your destiny and confidently take on the driver’s seat instead of being in the backseat of your life.
Like in the previous example, in order to manifest a husband, you must stand behind that manifestation and use your personal power to align yourself with choices that best support meeting a partner who also seeks marriage. To truly channel your personal power, you need to remind yourself that you are an incredibly powerful being— and that every single decision and action you make aligns you closer and closer to your desired manifestation. Incorporating positive and empowering affirmations into your daily routine helps cultivate more self-trust and also accelerate the manifestation process as well.
However, as you know in our physical 3D world, manifestation isn’t always an easy or fast process. Let’s say you’re working a corporate job and would like to start your own business, but you’re reluctant to start because you reliant on the financial security of the corporate job. Although your reluctance is completely understandable, you can always use your personal power in smaller, more actionable steps once you begin manifesting. You could say daily affirmations like “I’m a successful business owner” or “I have the most amazing clients in the world”, and the more you start to affirm yourself and train your subconscious mind into believing those affirmations, the more you can amplify your personal power. When first starting, it’s always more simple to start small and work from there. Once you truly believe you can do whatever your mind is set on, you can successfully manifest your ideal reality into 3D form.
Step 3: Commitment
Lastly, the last step of my manifestation framework is commitment. Common manifestation techniques such as visualization, meditation, and scripting are not only different forms of manifestation but also various forms of commitment. In my eyes, I see manifestation as a dual process where there is the action, the thought, and the feeling of actually having that manifestation come into fruition (e.g. embodying what it would feel like to be married to a loving and supportive husband). So if you’re using meditation to manifest marriage, you could drop into that dreamy state of being immersed in the euphoric emotions of being married to the love of your life to help strengthen your manifestation.
On the flip side, if you want to manifest becoming a successful business owner with clients from all over the world, reflect on how abundant, joyful, and freeing that would feel and tap into that state as you meditate in order to emotionally embody those affirmations that way. Regardless of whether you’d like to manifest through meditation, visualization, or scripting, what matters most is how committed you are to your preferred manifestation practice. So simply put, once you 1. make the choice to manifest xyz, 2. harness your personal power to stand firm in those choices, and 3. seriously committing to a practice that will bring that manifestation to life, you’re golden!
As long as you commit to your manifestations, you’re showing up to the Universe and giving it affirming signs and clues that will help usher in your manifestations much more seamlessly into your 3D reality. My last piece of commitment advice has to do with manifesting with time constraints. A lot of people typically try to avoid choosing a specific date they’d like to manifest something by, which is understandable since unexpected things can happen, but I personally think setting milestones is a great alternative approach.
My Personal Experience and Final Thoughts
When I was going to leave my corporate job, I gave the Universe a specific date I was going to give my notice and told myself that I’m still taking the leap regardless of what happens after. Within the same week I put in my notice, I received two really amazing opportunities that came out of nowhere. The first one was where I spotted a local business looking for a tarot reader and immediately got accepted, and the second opportunity that presented itself involved me putting my coaching and personal development skills into practice.
Those synchronistic experiences showed me the power of being crystal clear with the Universe and what I wanted to manifest in my life. So if you’ve intuitively been feeling like you want to level up in life, the Universe starts to work with you once you finally make that choice, rely on your personal power, and actively commit to your manifestations.
If you decide to try out my 3 step manifestation framework, please let me know how it worked out for you.