Frequently Asked Questions
What are Spirit Guides?
Your Spirit Guides are a team of wise, evolved beings watching over you. They were once human and have since incarnated into Spirit form. Their purpose is to guide and support you while you navigate earthly challenges and lessons.
Your Spirit Guides have no filter and will always direct you towards your highest alignment. For example, if you don’t like your job, they’re the first to tell you to leave and pursue a career that is a better fit for you energetically and personally!
Because of this, it’s best to be open to their advice, and also to remember it isn’t the same as the advice you usually get in the “3D world”. This is, after all, what makes a Spirit Guide reading special!
What is a Spirit Guide Reading?
In a Spirit Guide Reading, you’ll get the opportunity to hear from your Spirit Guides directly (in this case, through Gabriella as a channel). Your Spirit Guides will communicate only the information that’s available and helpful for you to receive at this time.
As a channeler, Gabriella receives images, words, feelings, sensations, and messages in various forms. You are an active participant in the reading, and you are there to verify the information so we can uncover the messages from your Guides most efficiently. It is not required for you to share context, but it is encouraged, as it helps to solidify your reading and make the advice from Spirit clearer.
How do I get the most out of my reading?
It’s best to come into your reading with a few specific questions you would like guidance on. For example, “Is it in alignment for me to move from Ohio to Florida at this time?” is a better question than “Should I move?” Your Spirit Guides don’t tell you what you “should” do; they simply share loving advice on what will bring you into your highest alignment.
In their opinion, all human challenges are lessons, and all lessons hold merit. Being open to their advice can help you act in your highest alignment and traverse the difficult lessons faster.
What is the flow of a typical Spirit Guide Reading?
The reading will start with a guided meditation to center and balance your energy field. After that, Gabriella will call in your Spirit Guides for advice and protection. You may then ask your questions and Gabriella will begin channeling directly. At the end of the reading, we thank your Guides for their wisdom.
What is the difference between a Psychic Reading and a Spirit Guide Reading?
A Psychic Reading assumes your path is set in this life; whereas a Spirit Guide reading assumes that you have the free will to change your path at any time.
A Psychic Reading sounds like, “This is the path in front of you… here’s what will happen.”
A Spirit Guide Reading sounds like, “This is your current path, and here’s what you can do to live in your highest alignment as soon as possible.”
Below is more information:
A Psychic Reading tells you what is going to happen based on the current timeline you are living out, and it assumes this timeline won’t change. Psychic readings tend to be more prescriptive and tangible.
In a Spirit Guide Reading, the focus is on communicating with your personal team, who offer wisdom and guidance from a higher perspective. A Spirit Guide reading helps you understand how to live in your highest alignment most efficiently. Spirit Guides help you take on new perspectives and make important shifts in your energy field. As a result, new events and opportunities can open up for you! Spirit Guide readings focus more on spiritual growth and aligning with your purpose, and are designed to promote transformation and healing. In Spirit Guide Readings, the information received is symbolic or metaphorical.
Spirit Guides often give you “homework”. They tell you what to do in order to become your highest self and reach your fullest potential.
How should I prepare for my reading?
Please be in a quiet space with no distractions. Place your feet on the floor and imagine golden roots growing from your body into the Earth. Take some deep breaths and meditate. Finally, set the intention that your reading will show you what you need to do (or know) to live in your highest alignment.