The Ultimate Guide to Spirit Guides
What are Spirit Guides?
Spirit Guides are wise and evolved beings who exist to support you, guide you, and help you heal during this lifetime. Each one of us has between 6 to 12 Spirit Guides on average. Spirit Guides existed as humans previously, and went through specific challenges and lessons. They choose to work with you based on the fact that you will face similar challenges and lessons in this lifetime.
Unlike ancestors (ie. your late grandfather or grandmother), Spirit Guides are actually unrelated to you, which allows them to be more objective. For example, if you are dealing with substance abuse in this lifetime, one of your Spirit Guides has most likely dealt with the same in their human life and was able to transcend that and heal.
How to Work with Spirit Guides
Spirit Guides love to communicate with you. The best way to work with them initially is to speak with them! Tell them you would like to have a relationship, and explain the ways in which you would like to receive information. For example, tell them if you prefer to receive their messages in the form of visuals, dreams, signs, tarot and oracle cards, or other methods entirely.
The best way to solidify your relationship with your Spirit Guides is to have clear and purposeful directions on how they can communicate with you. We work with Spirit as much as Spirit works with us, so the more energy and intention we put into cultivating our relationship, the more your Spirit Guides will begin to show themselves in your day-to-day life.
What are some of the things we can ask Spirit for help with?
Our team in Spirit is here to help us with every aspect of life, especially transformations and challenges. This can show up in our relationships, our health, our career, and more. Spirit loves to work with us to give us hope.
One of the clearest ways that Spirit works with us is through sending signs. You can ask your Spirit Guides for a specific sign, such as a green frog, and specify what this sign means. For example, you might say something along the lines of: “Spirit Guides, if I’m meant to pursue a relationship, please send me a green frog within the next 24 to 48 hours.”
You can always specify the sign, the condition of the sign, and the amount of time in which it is sent. See what comes through! It’s advisable to wait between 2 to 3 weeks to receive your signs, but of course, you can always ask for them to be sent within a specific time. Just keep in mind that Spirit needs time to orchestrate the signs and find creative ways to deliver them to you… don’t get upset if it’s not sent within the timeframe you asked for! If you do not receive a sign that you’ve asked for, perhaps what you’re asking for is not aligned, or your Guides are already planning something better for you.
The Benefit of Having a Relationship with Spirit
Having a relationship with your Spirit Guides is truly like having an attunement to a special language that not all people know. Being able to communicate with your Guides is one of the most sacred relationships of all. This communication allows you to have spiritual insights and faith, even in situations that appear bleak.
Spirit Guides are always encouraging us to make decisions from our heart, instead of from our logical mind. They are one of the biggest advocates for living life in flow, and allowing ourselves to pursue adventures and possibilities – even when they don’t necessarily seem like the most logical things to do.
In my own life, having a relationship with my Spirit Guides is truly what gave me the faith to leave my corporate job and pursue my business (which is much more spiritually aligned) – as well as pursue my relationship. I asked for signs over the course of 3 years and I consistently received all of the signs that I asked for. Even though some of my decisions didn’t appear to be the most logical, I was able to have faith and confidence that things would work out. Ultimately, everything worked out even more beautifully than I could have predicted.
Other Ways That Spirit Communicates With Us
Spirit Guides will often communicate with us first through dreams. This is because when we enter the dream state, we go into the astral realm. Our energy becomes lighter in the astral, and we are able to receive information more easily. It also becomes simpler for Spirit to get through to us. Therefore, it’s quite common to have a premonition through a dream or to receive a specific message in the form of a dream. Especially if you wake up and the dream seems very realistic and is filled with faith, that’s a good sign that this was a message from Spirit. Our ancestors also like to communicate with us through dreams, often appearing to us to send us love and guidance.
Other ways to communicate with Spirit include receiving their messages through songs, clairsentience (feelings and sensations, like shivers or chills), clairvoyance (seeing images in your mind’s eye, especially in meditation or in passing moments like when you’re in the shower), getting messages through books, etc. Spirit loves to communicate with us in all of these different ways because each of these modalities allows them to share enough nuance to guide us on our Earthly mission.
One of the ways that many people connect to Spirit is also through tarot and oracle cards. Essentially, what our Spirit Guides are doing when communicating with us through these cards is fitting their message into the specific symbol or image on the card. For instance, if you ask a question and you pull The Emperor card, your Spirit Guides are using the symbolism of The Emperor to communicate their message to you. Just keep in mind that they do have to limit their communication to this specific symbol or card in doing so. However, this is still a great way to connect with your Guides and develop a lasting relationship with them! From my own experience, reading tarot cards is what first opened my channel to direct and consistent communication from Spirit. This opened my channeling abilities tremendously — to the point that I can communicate with Spirit as if they are sitting next to me in the same room.
Words of Advice
My best advice is to create a habit or ritual that you can use to connect with your guides. This consists of a cue, an act, and a reward. The ‘cue’ is a sign to your Guides that you’re opening up your channel, the ‘act’ is simply receiving their messages, and the ‘reward’ is closing your channel and having more guidance. This concept of ‘cue, act, reward’, was first coined by Charles Duhigg, the author of The Power of Habit, and we can create habits with our Spirit Guides too.
One helpful example is to say an opening prayer every time you wish to open your channel to Spirit. For example, I often call in my Guides and will use the exact same words every time I do so. This is like a signal to my Guides that I’m ready to receive their messages. After that, I sit in silent meditation and within a matter of seconds, my Spirit Guides begin speaking through me. After receiving their messages, I always pray and thank them. My ‘cue’ of saying the opening prayer, my ‘act’ of receiving their messages, and my ‘reward’ of getting guidance and saying thank you is something that has consistently worked for me over the years.
One Final Practice
A final practice which is extraordinarily beneficial to developing your channeling abilities is called automatic writing. Automatic writing is the practice of asking a question of Spirit, meditating on it, calling in your Spirit Guides, and then writing down exactly what you receive until your hand stops. When you do this, it’s very important not to allow your ego to get the best of you! If you begin questioning if what you’re receiving is ‘real’ or not, try and move those thoughts aside. Truly focus on listening and receiving the information that’s coming through.
It might take you minutes or even longer to receive the information, but just stay in silence, meditating on your question until you get something. Some people receive messages through symbols, colors, and imagery – even before they will ever get words or phrases in their mind. Literally capture every single thing that comes through, even if it seems random at first. Often, the messages that you get will make more sense in weeks, months, or even years to come. This has been one of the most powerful practices for me to grow my channeling abilities and connect with my Guides.
I hope that this post helps you begin to develop an enduring relationship with your Spirit Guides. I would encourage you to choose a few of these activities and continue to practice the ones that resonate with you most. Remember, the more that you practice these activities and commit to your relationship with Spirit, the easier it will get for you to receive their messages! Spirit Guides love communicating with those who genuinely appreciate their guidance and are grateful for it, so always remember to close by offering them thanks.