Animal Spirit Guides and Shamanic Journeying


A few years ago, I was on a trip in Colorado when I came across Shamanic Journeying: A Beginners Guide. Little did I know that this book would change my life! I read with excitement and about the practice of shamaic journeying – a way of connecting to our Animal Spirit Guides and receiving their wisdom. 

From that day onwards, I began practicing regular journeys, and went on to meet hundreds of Animal Spirit Guides. 

In this post, I will explain what Animal Spirit Guides are, how to work with them, and how they can transform your life.

Your Power Animal

Everyone has one “Power Animal”. This is your main Animal Spirit Guide, who works with you from birth. Your Power Animal protects you from the moment you step foot on earth. Because you work closely together, you and your Power Animal may have similar traits. Some people even look like their Power Animal!

I came into this life as what many describe to be an ‘old soul’, and my Power Animal is an Elephant! The Elephant is known for its wisdom, balance, and humility. Some would say that I, too, exhibit these traits. 

Your Power Animal not only protects you, but also has the ability to channel through you — this gives you additional power, resilience, and courage as you navigate your earthly life. 

Helping Spirits

Each of us has a team of many spirit animals, known as “helping spirits”. While these animals are not your Power Animal, they also support and guide you.

Your helping spirits come in and out of your life depending on the circumstances and events that you’re navigating. For example, if you need to give a business presentation, the Rhinoceros spirit animal may come in to guide you (the Rhinoceros is known to help you build confidence and courage).  

Alternatively, if you need to perform on-stage, the Flamingo Spirit Animal may work with you. The Flamingo is known to show your beauty and talent – helping you become unafraid of being seen! 

Every animal has a significance and method of helping you. It’s wise to learn how to work with many different types of Animal Spirit Guides, and be open to their support and guidance. This is a helpful website to learn the meanings of different Animal Guides. 

How Can You Connect to Your Animal Spirit Guides?

There are few simple ways to connect with your Power Animal and Animal Spirit Guides. 

One of the best ways is to physically bring their presence into your living space. For example, you might get a statue of them or a piece of artwork. Whenever you invite an animal into your space, you are creating an energetic connection to it, and you begin to build an enduring relationship. 

You can also ask your Spirit Animals to come to you in dreams. Before going to sleep, set the intention that you will connect to them in the astral plane. Ask them to provide you with wisdom and guidance in your dreams. Make sure to write your dreams down immediately once you wake up!  

You can also call upon your Spirit Animals to visit you during your meditation. In doing so, make sure to choose an animal that has a specific quality you’d like help with. For instance, you may say something like: “Ostrich Spirit Animal, please join me in my meditation. Infuse me with resilience, and help me set stronger boundaries.” It’s believed that the animal’s energy will mix with yours, helping you absorb required qualities for success. 

The Practice of Journeying 

In Shamanism, the practice of journeying is known as the primary way to connect with your Animal Spirit Guides. There are three realms we can journey to, known as the Lower World, Middle World and Upper World. Most people will choose to journey to the Lower World to connect to their Animal Spirit Guides. 

Before you journey, make sure to set a clear intention. You can do this by formulating a question. Keep it open-ended – it should not be a yes or no question. 

If you’re journeying to the Lower World for the first time, you may use the question: “Who is my Power Animal?” 

Journeying to the Lower World

Anyone can journey to the Lower World – you can read more about this in Sandra Ingerman’s book. To briefly explain the process, you journey there by imagining that you’re climbing down a tree root or traveling down a glass elevator. It’s believed that the tree root or elevator will bring you through the core of the earth to a new realm entirely. This realm, called The Lower World, is often depicted as a jungle. It’s full of life, with lots of beautiful flora and fauna. Most people who journey to the Lower World with immediately see animals there or feel their presence.

When you get to the Lower World, usually, an animal will approach you. Observe the animal and energetically connect to it. Once you feel connected, ask it: “Are you my Power Animal?” You will get a response intuitively. 

If the animal says ‘Yes’, stay with it. It will take you on a tour of the Lower World. 

If it says ‘No’, ask it to guide you to your Power Animal by saying: “Can you please take me to my Power Animal?” 

Journeying to the Middle World

The Middle World is our 3D realm, where we are right now. You can journey to the Middle World by intending to connect with something in your 3D reality. For example: your garden, your cat, your tree, or your plants. Choose something that you can already see or feel.

Simply set the intention to gain information during your journey. For instance, you might set the intention to journey into your garden and talk to one of the trees. 

This experience is similar to entering the dream realm – except instead of going to the astral plane, you’re journeying in the third dimension. 

Journeying to the Upper World

The Upper World is a realm of teachers, mentors, and light workers in spiritual form. They’re energetically pure and light in vibration. In fact, it's harder to get to the Upper World, because your body and physical essence needs to “grow lighter” to access this plane. 

If you are a “beginning journeyer”, try to journey to the Lower World first! Only attempt to travel to the Upper World after multiple journeys to the Lower World and Middle World (in that order). 

The Upper World is believed to exist past the Earth. When journeying, you must visualize that you’re through up over the Earth, until you reach the top of the Earth’s surface. 

Once you’re there, you will see a “gaseous layer” around the Earth. Next, envision that you’re pushing through this layer to access the Upper World. Eventually, the Upper World will appear. You’ll know that you got there because it’s so light and pure in vibration. In this realm, you can meet masters, teachers, and guides (especially angels), and they will share their wisdom with you.

Once again, remember to journey with an intention in the form of a question, such as “How can I grow in my spiritual journey?” 

My Personal Experience

Developing a beautiful relationship with my Spirit Guides – especially my Animal Spirit Guides – has been one of the most rewarding parts of my life.

After journeying a few times, the practice will become quite easy for you. This practice is so sacred because it allows us to gain wisdom that’s not available in our 3D reality. 

In many shamanic societies, entire tribes would journey together with the same question. Sometimes, the individual journeyers would experience the exact same journey – and receive the same exact same answers to their questions!

Imagine how powerful we could be if we journeyed together more regularly… and how many of society’s challenges we could overcome. 

A Personal Note

Over the years, journeying has brought me immense faith and courage. On a recent journey, for example, I was inquiring about whether I will have children in this lifetime. In my journey, a Rhinoceros appeared to share the importance of having resilience during this time. He guided me to a family of Lions, which symbolized my future. This was a beautiful moment that brought me hope and joy. Often, when we don’t have much faith in our waking life, we can find immense faith in journeying. 


I hope that this guide helps you as you begin to develop a relationship with your Animal Spirit Guides – and explore the practice of shamanic journeying. 

You can always call upon your Animal Spirit Guides before any conversation, presentation, event, or adventure. They’re here to guide us, and working with them is extraordinarily enlightening.


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The Ultimate Guide to Spirit Guides